School can pose challenges for those with ADHD. We created a thorough quiz that evaluates ADHD symptoms in yourself or your child while in school. This quiz is only informational and should not be used as an official diagnosis.

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Does Your Child often...?

    Overlook details or make careless errors when completing schoolwork or other activities?

    Have trouble paying attention to tasks or play activities?

    Not listening when spoken to directly?

    Not follow through on instructions and fail to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties (e.g., lose focus, get side-tracked)?

    Have trouble or get frustrated when organising tasks and activities?

    Avoid or dislike tasks that demand mental effort over an extended period, such as schoolwork or homework?

    Misplace essential items like school materials, pencils, books, keys, or your mobile phone?

    Play with their phone to the detriment of other aspects of their life (not sleeping enough, not stopping during relaxation times)?

    Fidget with or tap hands or feet, or squirm in the seat?

    Feel restless, or the need to run around leading to leaving the seat when remaining seated is expected?

    Unable to play or take part in leisure activities quietly?

    Always need to be doing something?

    Talk excessively and blurt out answers before questions have been completed?

    Have trouble waiting their turn and interrupt others during conversations?

    Your score for the ADHD quiz is out of .

    You may have inattentive ADHD.

    You may not have ADHD.

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    If you are struggling with ADHD, you might want to schedule an introductory call with us. We would love to help.

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    What Our Clients Say

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      “Since started working with Alex my confidence has grown massively. Our sessions relaxed but also productive and always positive. Alex carefully explains every topic in detail.”


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      “Working with Alex has broaden my perception of working with ADHD and enabled me to tailor revision techniques to specifically engage my brain. I find him to be very motivating and encouraging.”

      Jess Not

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      “Alex has been coaching Harry in support of his A Levels and has built up an excellent and productive working relationship. Harry feels much more confident, organised and ready for the exams to come”

      Andy Beale

    • ellipse-11

      “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Faucibus tincidunt eu vulputate vitae quis. Risus phasellus pretium eu porta fermentum pellentesque proin. Integer aliquam augue sed orci. Et venenatis bibendum viverra lacus consectetur egestas. Magna proin eget ut potenti sit.”

      Jane Doe

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      “Our teenage daughter benefits enormously from Alisha and Alex’s tutoring techniques which are guided by their personal experience of ADHD. I would highly recomend Sunbeam Education.”

      Guy Grewar

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      “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Faucibus tincidunt eu vulputate vitae quis. Risus phasellus pretium eu porta fermentum pellentesque proin. Integer aliquam augue sed orci. Et venenatis bibendum viverra lacus consectetur egestas. Magna proin eget ut potenti sit.”

      John Doe

    Got a Question?

    • How does ADHD affect students?

      ADHD affect an estimated 5.3% of the population and often causes students to struggle at school. ADHD can affect students in a variety of ways, including making it difficult for them to concentrate and stay on task. It can also lead to lower grades, difficulty managing time and organisation skills, issues with social interactions and impulsive behaviour. ADHD can also cause frustration among teachers and other students when it is not managed correctly. With proper support from an ADHD tutor or coach, however, these challenges can be managed.

    • What is ADHD coaching?

      ADHD affect an estimated 5.3% of the population and often causes students to struggle at school. ADHD can affect students in a variety of ways, including making it difficult for them to concentrate and stay on task. It can also lead to lower grades, difficulty managing time and organisation skills, issues with social interactions and impulsive behaviour. ADHD can also cause frustration among teachers and other students when it is not managed correctly. With proper support from an ADHD tutor or coach, however, these challenges can be managed.

    • What can an ADHD coach help with?

      ADHD affect an estimated 5.3% of the population and often causes students to struggle at school. ADHD can affect students in a variety of ways, including making it difficult for them to concentrate and stay on task. It can also lead to lower grades, difficulty managing time and organisation skills, issues with social interactions and impulsive behaviour. ADHD can also cause frustration among teachers and other students when it is not managed correctly. With proper support from an ADHD tutor or coach, however, these challenges can be managed.

    • How much does ADHD coaching cost?

      ADHD affect an estimated 5.3% of the population and often causes students to struggle at school. ADHD can affect students in a variety of ways, including making it difficult for them to concentrate and stay on task. It can also lead to lower grades, difficulty managing time and organisation skills, issues with social interactions and impulsive behaviour. ADHD can also cause frustration among teachers and other students when it is not managed correctly. With proper support from an ADHD tutor or coach, however, these challenges can be managed.

    • How do students with ADHD learn best?

      ADHD affect an estimated 5.3% of the population and often causes students to struggle at school. ADHD can affect students in a variety of ways, including making it difficult for them to concentrate and stay on task. It can also lead to lower grades, difficulty managing time and organisation skills, issues with social interactions and impulsive behaviour. ADHD can also cause frustration among teachers and other students when it is not managed correctly. With proper support from an ADHD tutor or coach, however, these challenges can be managed.