Dyslexia is a learning disorder primarily characterised by reading, writing, and spelling difficulties. It's a common condition that affects individuals differently. Some people may experience mild dyslexia, while others may encounter more severe challenges. This article aims to take a comprehensive look at dyslexia: its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatments.

Recognising Dyslexia
The International Dyslexia Association defines dyslexia as "a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities". This might reflect struggles with spelling, reading quickly, writing words, 'sounding out' words in the head, pronouncing words when reading aloud, and understanding what one reads.
Symptoms can significantly vary across age groups. Preschool children may talk later than most, find it hard to pronounce words, and need help remembering or naming letters, numbers, and colours. School-age children and adolescents might read below the expected levels for their age, have problems processing and understanding what they hear, and struggle with spelling, grasp of language, and avoiding activities that involve reading.
Dyslexia is common; about 13% of students qualify for special education due to a handicapping condition. Of those who are eligible, 50% have a learning disability, with 85% of those having a primary learning disability in reading and language processing. However, up to 20% of the population may experience symptoms. Although not all may qualify for special education, they could benefit from systematic, explicit instruction in reading, writing, and language.
Understanding the Causes of Dyslexia
The exact causes of dyslexia are still not entirely understood. However, it appears to be linked to specific genes that affect brain development. This indicates that the condition can be inherited, as it often runs in families.
Miswiring within the brain's language processing areas are also a significant factor. Studies using functional MRI (fMRI) scans have discovered differences in the way the brains of people with dyslexia develop and function.
Importantly, dyslexia is not due to a lack of intelligence or a desire to learn; students can succeed in school with appropriate teaching methods.
Diagnosing Dyslexia
Diagnosing dyslexia early is critical to ensuring that individuals receive the support they need in order to overcome the challenges they may face. Schools and clinical psychologists often conduct assessments based on reading skills and the ability to understand words. These professionals may also analyse the person's developmental, social, and medical history as part of the diagnostic process.
In most cases, dyslexia can be identified in children by the time they are 5-7 years of age. However, some people may only get a diagnosis once they reach adulthood, particularly individuals with mild forms of dyslexia or those who have developed successful coping strategies to manage their challenges.
Intervention and Support
While dyslexia is a lifelong issue, various remedial instructions and programmes can help individuals overcome their difficulties. These interventions may include:
Phonics-based instruction:
At the forefront of teaching strategies for dyslexia is phonics-based instruction. It's grounded in the concept that letters represent the sounds that form words. Tutors build on this fundamental linguistic understanding, progressively from simple to complex phonetic patterns. They explain, illustrate, and drill the associations between letters and sounds and the rules that govern these relationships. This method can catalyse students' capacity to decode, read, spell, and comprehend text. It aids learners in understanding the structure of words, thus promoting reading fluency and forging a pathway for academic performance improvement.
Multisensory techniques:
Multisensory learning is a highly effective method in supporting students with dyslexia. It involves simultaneously using two or more senses - sight, touch, hearing and movement. For instance, a tutor may encourage students to trace a large-letter pattern with their fingers, simultaneously voicing the letter's sound. As the student feels the letter shape (touch), sees the letter (sight), hears the letter sound (hearing), and moves their hand to form the letter(movement), learning is strengthened across multiple neural pathways. This rich sensory learning environment can aid in the cognitive processing and retention of information in students with dyslexia.
Speech Therapy:
Speech therapists play a pivotal role in supporting students with dyslexia to improve their language skills. Speech therapists can better equip students to grasp the links between sounds and letters by focusing on phonological awareness and understanding sounds within spoken words. Speech therapy goes beyond academics, helping students with conversation skills, comprehension strategies, and enhancing vocabulary - all vitally contributing to a student's self-esteem and social-emotional health.
Educational Therapy:
An educational therapist can design and implement personalised non-curricular strategies that address the specific educational needs of a student with dyslexia. Armed with a deep understanding of learning differences and strategies to overcome them, the therapist enhances the student's essential skills like reading comprehension, academic writing, note-taking and studying effectively. However, the expert should also extend the focus beyond academia, equipping the learner with practical life skills, including organisation, time management, goal setting, and problem-solving, thus preparing them for real-world challenges.
Dyslexia Tutoring:
A dyslexia tutor can provide one-to-one academic support to dyslexic students, often outside the school environment. This support is usually subject-specific (for example, a student may require particular support with Science, Maths, or English). However, unlike a regular academic tutor, in addition to expertise in their subject, a dyslexia tutor also has an in-depth understanding of dyslexia and how it impacts learning. Their approach is tailored towards supporting a dyslexic student's unique needs, making learning more approachable and engaging for the student.
Assistive Technology:
Assistive technology has been a game-changer in rendering learning accessible to students with dyslexia. Text-to-speech software can convert written text into spoken words, allowing students with dyslexia to listen to text rather than struggling to read. Spelling and grammar checks can provide real-time suggestions, helping improve writing tasks. Specialists may also recommend using digital planners to track homework and assignments, maintain schedules, and develop organisational skills. These assistive tools can significantly improve the autonomy, confidence, and capabilities of learners with dyslexia.

Building Supportive Environments
Outside academic settings, people with dyslexia can benefit significantly from supportive, understanding communities. Eliminating stigmas, promoting understanding, and fostering environments that celebrate diversity are critical.
Teachers, parents, tutors, and friends educated about dyslexia can provide instrumental support. With the right strategies and supportive environments, individuals with dyslexia can thrive in school, work, and their personal lives.