ADHD Coaching


What is ADHD Coaching, and How Does it Help Students With ADHD?

6 min read

September 17, 2024


As ADHD coaches and educators, our primary focus is to support students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), helping them navigate the challenges associated with the condition, as well as helping them to identify and develop their strengths. We work closely with each student personally, aiming to help them understand their unique strengths and difficulties related to ADHD. ADHD coaches are specialists in ADHD and can explain how this particular brain-wiring works. Many successful ADHD coaches also have ADHD themselves, therefore providing the student with a first-hand understanding of what it's like to live with the condition, as well as strategies that are tailored with an inside-out knowledge of ADHD. In this article, we will take an introductory look at how ADHD coaching works and the potential benefits for students with ADHD.

What does an ADHD Coach do?

Our approach to ADHD coaching is deeply collaborative. We establish a partnership with our students, creating a safe and non-judgmental space for open communication. Together, we explore the specific aspects of their lives that ADHD affects, such as organisation, time management, and task completion. During the first session, the student describes their areas of challenge in their own words and shares any goals they are working towards. These goals can be anything from developing effective revision methods or completing a piece of coursework to non-academic goals such as learning the guitar or creating an ADHD-friendly study space at home. We also take time to get to know the student's interests and skills, whether these are academic or not, as this will help us uncover their natural strengths.

Practical Strategies

One key aspect of our role is to assist students in developing practical strategies and techniques to manage their ADHD symptoms more effectively. This often involves setting realistic goals, breaking them into smaller, manageable steps, and creating a structured routine. As working memory is often affected by ADHD, coaches ensure that students have a clear record of these goals so that they can retain momentum and motivation between sessions. 

Strengths-based Mindset 

We also help our students identify and leverage their strengths, fostering a positive and empowering mindset. For example, many students with ADHD are highly curious and are natural problem-solvers due to their ability to think outside the box, spotting connections that others may not notice. For this reason, with assistance from their coach, students with ADHD are often able to create ingenious support strategies for themselves targeted toward their own personal challenges. And when a student has ownership over their support strategies, they are far more likely to remember and persevere with them.

Navigating Executive Functioning Challenges

Executive functioning challenges affect the vast majority of people with ADHD due to developmental delays in the pre-frontal cortex. This means that most people with ADHD experience challenges in some or all of the following areas: working memory, emotional regulation, self-motivation, planning and organisation, attention regulation and inhibition control. ADHD coaches therefore tend to spend a significant amount of time with students on strengthening their executive function capabilities. Time management is usually a significant area of focus. We work with students to improve their ability to prioritise tasks, set deadlines, and create a schedule that aligns with their natural rhythms and energy levels and works with their ADHD rather than battling against it. This can involve implementing various ADHD-friendly tools and systems, such as planners, visual timers, memory games, attention-grabbing reminders, or technology-based solutions.

Emotional Support

In addition to practical strategies, we provide emotional support and encouragement. Having ADHD can bring challenges like frustration, self-doubt, and anxiety, and we help our students navigate these emotions, fostering resilience and self-compassion. Ultimately, as ADHD coaches and educators, we aim to empower students with ADHD to unlock their full potential, improve their quality of life, and develop the skills and mindset needed to thrive in various aspects of their personal and academic lives. Our goal is to instill a sense of confidence and capability in our students, helping them to see their ADHD not as a limitation, but as a unique aspect of their identity that can be harnessed for success.

Advantages of ADHD Coaching

ADHD coaching has become a leading strategy for managing and overcoming the challenges posed by ADHD and is an extremely effective treatment method for people of all ages. Since ADHD can significantly impact academic performance, social interactions, and overall quality of life, tailored coaching designed to meet the unique needs of school and university students with ADHD has proven to be extremely useful. 

Here are some of the critical advantages of ADHD coaching for students:

ADHD Coaches Work With You To Tailor-Make Strategies

One of the most significant benefits of ADHD coaching is the development of personalised strategies that cater to each individual's unique needs and learning styles. Unlike generic advice that may not apply to everyone and may even be detrimental to neurodivergent learners, ADHD coaches focus on understanding each individual student's challenges. They then work with the student to create bespoke strategies that leverage their strengths and interests, which helps to improve their organisational skills, time management, and study habits.

Mentoring You Through the Learning Journey

ADHD can often impair students' ability to organise, prioritise, and execute tasks. Through coaching, students learn effective study techniques, time management skills, and ways to focus and sustain attention. This directly impacts academic performance by improving grades, quality of work, and engagement in the learning process.

Improve Self-Esteem

Struggling with ADHD symptoms can take a toll on a student's self-esteem. The continuous cycle of missed deadlines, forgotten tasks, and academic underperformance can lead to feelings of inadequacy, especially when the student is usually putting in huge amounts of effort without seeing it pay off. ADHD coaching provides a supportive environment where students can acknowledge their challenges without judgment, understanding them as part of their ADHD rather than character flaws. By learning to use ADHD-friendly methods, they begin to see results that reflect their efforts. Their confidence and self-esteem naturally improve as they achieve their goals and begin to understand their brains through coaching.


Struggling with ADHD symptoms can take a toll on a student's self-esteem. The continuous cycle of missed deadlines, forgotten tasks, and academic underperformance can lead to feelings of inadequacy, especially when the student is usually putting in huge amounts of effort without seeing it pay off. ADHD coaching provides a supportive environment where students can acknowledge their challenges without judgment, understanding them as part of their ADHD rather than character flaws. By learning to use ADHD-friendly methods, they begin to see results that reflect their efforts. Their confidence and self-esteem naturally improve as they achieve their goals and begin to understand their brains through coaching.

Better Time Management

Procrastination and poor time management are typical challenges for students with ADHD, which can lead to chaos and panic as deadlines appear as if out of nowhere! Coaches work with students to establish realistic schedules and effective planning techniques, which can significantly reduce stress and anxiety. Learning how to break tasks into manageable parts and set achievable goals allows students to take control of their time, making their academic and personal lives more organised and less unpredictable.

Emotional Support

ADHD coaching offers more than just academic assistance; it provides an emotional and social lifeline. Many students with ADHD feel misunderstood by peers and educators due to their symptoms. Coaches offer understanding and empathy, validating the student's feelings and experiences. This support system can be crucial in helping students navigate social challenges, boost self-esteem, and build healthier relationships.

Develop Skills For Life

The skills students learn through ADHD coaching extend beyond academics; they are life skills that will benefit them in various contexts for years to come. Skills such as organisation, time management, goal setting, and self-advocacy apply to personal life, higher education, and future employment scenarios. Approaching the development of these skills through an ADHD lens means that students will learn how to utilise these in a way that works for them rather than trying to fit into a neurotypical mould. This comprehensive skill set can significantly impact the student's ability to succeed and thrive in all areas of life.

ADHD coaching offers a multitude of benefits for students grappling with the effects of ADHD. By providing personalised strategies, academic support, and a solid foundation in essential life skills, coaching can transform the ADHD challenge into a manageable aspect of life, empowering students to achieve their full potential. An appreciation of their unique brain-wiring and strengths boosts self-confidence, allowing them to truly flourish. While ADHD may pose certain obstacles, students can turn these hurdles into stepping stones for success with the proper support and strategies.

Got a Question?

  • Can a student with ADHD succeed in school?

    Absolutely! With tailored learning strategies and the right support, students with ADHD can thrive academically. Encouragement, patience, and a focus on their strengths help build confidence and foster a positive learning experience.

  • How does ADHD coaching help with schoolwork?

    ADHD coaching is a practical approach that helps students develop the skills and techniques they need to study and learn effectively. While tutors primarily focus on helping students understand the subject matter, ADHD coaches provide practical strategies that can be applied across all subjects, both in the classroom and for solo study, such as homework and revision. Typical areas of focus for ADHD coaching include helping students break daunting projects such as coursework into smaller steps, creating and sticking to achievable, effective revision routines, time-management and organisation techniques, and tactics for overcoming procrastination and engaging interest.

  • How much does ADHD coaching cost?

    At Sunbeam Education, we offer 50-minute ADHD coaching sessions starting at £80. We recommend booking at least five sessions to ensure the coach and student can work together effectively to develop personalised strategies. These strategies can then be tested in the real world between sessions.